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10 Tips for Onboarding Remote Employees

If your team works from home, you may wonder how you'll onboard new employees.

Fortunately, the onboarding process can be exciting and effective, even if you're unable to do it in person. As long as you're creative and patient, you can ensure your remote onboarding program is a success.

1. Send Welcome Gifts

A welcome gift can help employees feel like they're already part of the team. Receiving a thoughtful gift will also excite them about the upcoming onboarding process.

2. Invest in the Right Technology

By hosting employee training programs through video calls, you can ensure personal connection while still working remotely.

3. Set Up Employees For Success

Provide your new emplovees with everything they need to go through onboarding and perform their jobs from home.

4. Share Essential Documents and Information

To ensure your employees understand your company's mission, vision, and expecta-tions, you'll want to provide them with a variety of documents.

5. Be Welcoming

Send out a group email or message to welcome new employees. This can help employees feel included and encourage others to reach out to them.

6. Avoid Information Overload

Training remote employees can be overwhelming, prioritize information that you know they'll need to thrive in their position, and avoid sharing more than they need.

7. Schedule Ongoing Check-Ins

When you're onboarding employees, it's helpful to check in with them on a regular basis.

8. Pair New Employees with Mentors

When a new employee has a mentor they can turn to, they're more likely to feel confident and excited about their position and your company.

9. Don't Forgo Traditions

Chances are your company culture involves certain traditions that employees enjoy.

Be creative and figure out how vou can implement them in a remote environment.

10. Ask for Feedback

Feedback from your employees is essential, regardless of if you're onboarding remotely or in person. As soon as they complete the process, send them a survey with questions about the experience.


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